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Monks Abbey Primary & Nursery School

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Our Governors

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

Every year the Governor's complete a Declaration of Interest form.  For 2023/24 we have received no Declarations of Interest.

The Role of the Governing Body

The governing body helps to run the school by making strategic decisions about finances, premises and curriculum and offers support and guidance to the headteacher and the staff. The day-to-day running of the school is done by the headteacher and the staff and the governing body rely on the head to advise them.


There are three main sub-committees of the governing body

  • Curriculum and Standards: This explores the teaching and learning in the school.
  • Finance and Staffing: This looks after the budget and the finances.
  • Premises and, Health and Safety: This looks after the buildings.


2023/24 Governing Body

 The following document provides the details of our current Governing Body. 


full governing body details 20242025.pdf



How do I become a Governor?


If you are interested in becoming a governor than contact the school and ask to speak to the Clerk or to the Chair or Vice chair.